Q2 / 2023 – My Physical Activity Progress.

Every time I do any type of physical activity, whether it be working out, taking a walk, mowing the grass, cleaning the entire house, whatever it may be, I like to keep track! And the way I keep track is very very simple, I put a sticker on each day in my planner, and that’s it! I have found over the years that I lose interest if I have a separate planner for exercise, or if I write down the exact workout I did, etc. It’s become a habit for me to just put a small sticker, any sticker, on the actual day to let myself know that I did some type of physical activity that day.

Here are a few pages from my planner from the past three months. I picked one week from April, May, and June. Any old sticker will do, just something that signifies I did some type of movement on that said day. It has helped me so much!

Here is my physical activity progress for quarter 2 of 2023:
24 days out of 30

20 days out of 30

25 days out of 30

69 days out of 90

Seeing the numbers gives me so much excitement! And just like anything in life, it’s a constant work in progress for me. I don’t have my eating habits on track still, but I’ve established a routine of moving my body almost every day of the week. And I’m okay with that right now.

I’m happy to have these numbers here on the blog, so I can look back and see how hard I worked. All while staying home with the kids, not having much time to myself, and still managing to get some sort of physical activity in on top of everything else.

My advice to anyone who is struggling with exercise, consistency is key! Keep going, keep moving forward! Any type of movement is better than no movement at all!

Q1 / 2023 – My Physical Activity Progress.

Every time I do any type of physical activity, whether it be working out, taking a walk, mowing the grass, cleaning the entire house, whatever it may be, I like to keep track! And the way I keep track is very very simple, I put a sticker on each day in my planner, and that’s it! I have found over the years that I lose interest if I have a separate planner for exercise, or if I write down the exact workout I did, etc. It’s become a habit for me to just put a small sticker, any sticker, on the actual day to let myself know that I did some type of physical activity that day.

Here are a few pages from my planner this year of how I mark the sticker on each day. Any old sticker will do, just something that signifies I did some type of movement on that said day. It has helped me so much!

Now if I can only get my eating habits on the same page as my physical activity, I would be set. But just like anything, things take time.

Here is my physical activity progress for quarter 1 of 2023:
28 days out of 31

21 days out of 28

26 days out of 31

75 days out of 90

Seeing the numbers gives me so much excitement! Like wow, I really moved my body that many days out of this year so far. You would think I’d be a buff machine right? Hah! You can move your body everyday, but if you feed your body crap food nothing will change. I know I need to get back to the habits I used to be in, my mind just has to get there. It’s a work in progress.

I’m happy to have these numbers here on the blog, so I can look back and see how hard I worked. All while staying home with the kids, not having much time to myself, and still managing to get some sort of physical activity in on top of everything else.

My advice to anyone who is struggling with exercise, consistency is key! Keep going, keep moving forward! Any type of movement is better than no movement at all!