15 Kids Christmas Movies.

With December 1st right around the corner, the Christmas festivities will be in full effect very soon! We love to watch Christmas movies around here, so I thought I’d share some of our most favorite movies for kids! Sometimes it’s for family movie night, sometimes it’s in the background while we bake, or decorate!

The majority of these movies are all family friendly, like 14 out of 15 of the movies! The only one I would hesitate to say isn’t family friendly is the Christmas Vacation one, that movie might have some language that isn’t suitable for little ones.

Here are some of our most favorite kid movies for the Christmas season! In no particular order…

I was inspired by Slices of Life for this post! We just love movies at our house, and it was fun to compile these fifteen favorites for kids. I can’t wait to start watching some of these in the next few weeks!

Weekly recap.

Recapping our week on the blog! A birthday, Thanksgiving, and the tree!

Monday November 21
Started off the morning by wrapping Hadleys entire lunch in birthday wrapping paper for her birthday! And then took a photo of her next to her ruler that we measured her on, she grew 3 inches in a year! She was excited to be out of uniform for two days before Thanksgiving break. After we dropped off Hadley to school, Huxley had his nine-month checkup. It’s funny that we didn’t realize it at first, but Hadley was born on the 21st, and so was Huxley, just different months! Pretty cool. He is measuring off the charts with height, the doc literally said greater than 99%. After school, Hadley loves to do her homework right off the bat. So, she chose to read on the couch to Kevin for a little bit. After she finished her homework, I had a little scavenger hunt planned. Super easy, and the gift at the end was a $5 clearance item from Kroger! For dinner, it was Hadleys choice, and she chose Longhorn Steakhouse. Super surprised she didn’t choose Cancun, her most favorite place, but she said she wanted something different for tonight. After we got home from dinner, I had like two small presents for her to open on her actual birthday. She was excited for her Bengals cup; she calls it her mini Burrow.

Tuesday November 22
I woke up early before everyone else and did a workout in our bedroom. I really need to try and do this every day, it helps with the mood for the rest of the day!

Wednesday November 23
We headed to the lake a day early for Thanksgiving, since Kevin had to work this year. Hadley and her showers, and Huxley loves to lean on the glass and tries to touch the water. Kevin thought it was a good idea to sit in the rocks with Huxley and let him play, after he almost ate a few rocks, it was time to get up lol Hadley was playing with her new birthday gift from her aunt and uncle, the bop it!

Thursday November 24
Thanksgiving Day! It was a little weird being at the lake without Kevin, but it was good! Huxley was a little over stimulated with everyone, there were lots of people he didn’t know. All the food tasted good, and it was good to see some of Kevins extended family.

Friday November 25
We had a lazy black Friday! Hadley pretty much Netflix and chilled all day, while I took down the fall decor and started getting out all the Christmas decorations.

Saturday November 26
Kevin worked a 48-hour shift, sometimes when he comes home in the mornings he’ll hang out with the kids for a few minutes before he heads to bed. After a few days of not doing any exercise, I did a quick YouTube video in the family room with Hadley watching a show on Netflix, and Huxley sleeping. Hadleys grandparents took her to see a movie and shopping for her birthday this year. They did the same thing last year, and she loved it, so she requested it this year again. Afterwards, we met them for an early dinner before Hadleys indoor soccer game.

Sunday November 27
After Kevin had some good sleep, we did all things Christmas on Sunday! We put the Christmas tree up, started decorating the front porch, put half of the house lights on the bottom level because of the weather Kevin couldn’t finish the top half, and had a Sunday steak dinner at home! After dinner, Hadley wrote out some thank you notes for her birthday. I want to teach my kids that thank you notes are still a thing to me, and it’s just nice to get a thank you note in the mail. It was a great day getting all the festive things out and ready!

Happy Monday everyone, hope you have a great week!

Weekly recap.

Recapping our week on the blog!

Monday November 14
Huxley loves him some toast and eggs! More toast than eggs, but we’re still giving them to him. I’ve been loving the big Stanley tumbler, but find that the lid is always so hard to get off and on! Hadley has been on a huge reading kick lately, and all we do is praise her every time. She will randomly ask if she can read to us, and the answer will always be yes! Yes, sweet girl, read away! Kevin was giving Huxley a bath and putting him to bed, and Hadley and I played a few games of Uno. She’s the Uno queen!

Tuesday November 15
Had an appointment to get my hair done, and at the last-minute Kevin made an appointment at the Little Clinic because he wasn’t feeling the greatest. So, the kids had to come with me for a few minutes at the hair salon, and then he picked them up. I can’t imagine having little Huxley with me getting my hair done. After my hair appointment, we went out to dinner since it was still fairly early. Huxley has started to sit in the highchair at restaurants!

Wednesday November 16
Woke up feeling kind of icky, so I made an appointment for the Little Clinic after school got out. I tested negative for the flu and strep, it was just a viral infection. So many illnesses are going around it’s crazy! I did not feel so hot, so I laid on the floor while Hadley did her homework next to me.

Thursday November 17
Huxley just loves to crawl the very edge of the kitchen step; it makes me so nervous! We still haven’t gotten a gate yet; they are like almost $100! I just can’t see spending that much, so I need to just make the trip to Once Upon a Child and look for something that will work for the short time, we’ll need it. Started working on Hadley’s birthday party!

Friday November 18
Huxley woke up feeling a little sick himself, I swear it’s going through all of us right now. Nothing major, like no fevers or anything just a runny nose and congested. Made little party hats for part of Hadleys birthday party decor. Kevin and I took turns with Huxley laying on us, he slept so much better being elevated than flat in his bed.

Saturday November 19
Huxley woke up with little red cheeks, he didn’t have a fever because like a crazy lady I kept taking it all day. I guess he just gets red cheeks when he doesn’t feel so hot. But even with not feeling so good, the kid still sleeps amazing thank you lord! Friday night is when he had a little trouble falling asleep, but once he fell asleep on us and we put him in his crib he was good. Hadley cleaned her room without complaining! And then, after I scoped out her clean room, she asked to read me a book! I hope she continues to have a love for reading!

Sunday November 20
Sunday was birthday party day! You can read more about Hadleys birthday in this post, but we celebrated it with eight of her friends from school. Hadley had a great birthday, celebrating with her little girlfriends!

Have a great rest of the week, and as always thanks for reading!

9 months of Huxley.

Eating like a champ, tries all the food we eat and hasn’t met a food he doesn’t like yet.
Loves toast and eggs for breakfast.
Still in size 4 diapers.
Clothes are ranging from 12 months to 18 months.
Pulls himself up on everything, the stairs, the vacuum, the garbage can, almost anything that is taller than him he wants to climb and stand up.
Crawls on all fours sometimes, but still likes to do the army crawl.
One big tooth on the bottom, and three other teeth pushing through the gums as we speak.
Survived the time change like a champ.
Thought he had an ear infection, turns out he just figured out he has ears.
Had his first cold, congested, runny nose, the works, and pushing through it.
Even being a little sickie, he has still slept so well! It’s been amazing.
After his last bottle before bed, he’ll look over at his books like he’s ready to read before bed.
Measuring off the charts in height, the doc literally said greater than 99% in height.
Weighs 22.6 pounds.

My little nine-month-old, we love you so much.

Hadley is 8.

Our little girl turns eight today! Sweet Hadley Mae! We celebrated this weekend by having eight of her friends over for a party! I’ve struggled with this for a while, but the last few years we decided to invite however many friends to celebrate as the age she is turning. So, for her eighth birthday, she had eight friends over. It’s too much for me to have a ton of friends at a party, there are too many to invite when you have three different classes of second graders. We narrow it down to the age she is turning, which might change in a few years but for now it works!

This year she chose an animal themed party, she just loves going to the zoo and loves all the animals!

I bought a few toy animals from Kroger actually and made them each little party hats! Hadley wanted a simple cake this year, just animals and a number eight!

For the food, I went simple and did snacks only. Since the time of the party wasn’t really during lunch or dinner, so I just did some snacks. I was shocked, but the girls actually asked for more fruit!

Instead of the traditional favors kids get at a birthday party, I got each of the girls a stuffed animal that started with the same initial as their name! I made them all their own lanyards and a few fun facts about their animal. They all loved it! After they all got their animals, and had fun with them for a little bit, they made collars for their animal.

After they made all of the collars, we had Doctor Kevin come in and give a health check to all the animals. It was so funny listening to all the girls come up with symptoms their animal has, and then the diagnosis Doctor Kevin came up with. The girls were laughing needless to say!

The activities I had planned didn’t last very long! So, we came up with the idea of doing a tic tac toe challenge! We had all the girls partner up, and whoever was the first to win three games won, and then so on and so on. Turns out that Miss Camryn is the tic tac toe queen!

Cake and present time! It’s so cute watching Hadleys friends watch her open her presents, who is super into cards, and who is super observant on gifts, etc. I love all the different personalities!

Some of the girls were posing like their animal would, they were really having fun with them.

Aren’t they adorable? I think they all had fun! Happy 8th birthday to our sweet Hadley Mae!

Brady turned 18.

Last week, this little boy that came into my life almost thirteen years ago, turned eighteen!

Bradys favorite meal is steak, asparagus, and potatoes. We got the steaks from Findlay Market, nice and big ones.

Father and sons, crazy how much these kids grow. My nephew Max on the far left is the tallest and keeps growing every time I see him it seems like!

Papa feeding Huxley his baby food, it was hilarious watching him. He was like, who is feeding me?? lol

Doesn’t matter how old kids get, they always want to rough house!

We put Huxley in this Saint Xavier onesie that Uncle Brian got him when he was first born. It was a little snug but wanted him to wear it since his uncle went there for high school. Now we need to get him some LaSalle gear since that’s where his dad went!

Happy 18th birthday Brady!

Weekly recap.

Recapping our week on the blog! A squirrel, family, and an 18th birthday.

Monday November 7
We finally used the mini thermos for Hadleys lunch, and it worked fantastic! We boiled a cup of hot water in a coffee cup, poured it into the thermos, closed the lid for a few minutes, and then threw the hot mac and cheese inside. Hadley said it was very warm for lunch at school! After school, Hadley is such a trooper and does her homework right away. We started this habit in kindergarten, and I hope it continues.

We figured out that a squirrel had managed to fall into our fireplace. Awhile back when we had a big storm, the top of the chimney flap had blown off and we never put it back on. It’s been sitting on top of the roof, literally next to the chimney. Hadley kept saying she was hearing something coming from the fireplace, and when I heard it too, I thought to myself something is in there! And then we saw the little squirrels tail smooshed against the glass of the fireplace door! I immediately put the fireplace irons in between the door handles so he couldn’t push the doors open. He would have to go through the screen doors first but still, it made us feel better. Hadley wouldn’t go in the family room for a day or so. And then after a few days, we didn’t hear anything, so we figured the poor thing either died or managed to climb out. Kevin opened the doors, and nothing was in there!

Tuesday November 8
Voted in the morning, and I hope you did too! You should always vote. Hadley has been into writing notes lately, it’s so cute how she’ll use washi tape and put them on Huxleys wall. He always tries to grab them when I’m changing him. Some weeks Kevin works a lot of overtime, so on this night when he was home, he played tic tac toe and hangman with Hadley, she just loves playing things like that!

Wednesday November 9
Some days I like to get up early before the kids and do a workout, I need to try and do this more often because it’s a great start to the day! I feel energized and ready! As I dropped off Hadley at school, there was an accident on the grass almost like the car missed the turn or something. Huxley and I headed to the car wash to get the early bird deal, it’s like $2 off if you get your car washed before 9am. Hadley had a half day, so she got to eat lunch at home, and she was super excited. After Hadley finished her homework, she wanted to chill in her room on her iPad which I have no problem with because she does homework so well. Huxley and I went into Hadleys room to hang out and play, and he was obsessed with her American Girl doll, he kept touching her hands and eyes, it’s like he thought it was a real live doll. Kevin facetimed while at work, and Huxley somehow managed to take a screenshot of it, it was cute. More notes from Hadley while I gave Huxley a bath.

Thursday November 10
Little Huxley is growing so fast! He is climbing on everything and crawling over things in the oddest ways. Outside the deck doors, was tiny pieces of what looked like acorns or something. We think it was a friend of the family leaving the squirrel stuck in the fireplace food for when he got out! HAHAHA! Some nights, when Kevin is working, I don’t get to eat dinner until after everyone else has. It’s worth it though!

Friday November 11
Huxley sleeps just like his dad, all over the place. Every time I go in and check on him, he is in a different position. We celebrated Brady’s birthday at my parents after dinner. Huxley wasn’t having it for a photo with all his cousins, poor kid just wasn’t feeling it.

Saturday November 12
The photo below is how my workout went in the morning, sometimes I have to dodge little man crawling around on the floor but at least I’m moving. Huxley has been loving eggs and toast for breakfast, he really likes the toast over eggs! Today was the first snow fall of the season, it was beautiful but seems too early for snow! We had Kevin’s family over for dinner to celebrate Brady’s birthday, I cannot believe he turned 18!

Sunday November 13
Went to the Hofbräuhaus with some of the family, it was good to see everyone! Hadley and Huxley loved seeing all their cousins. After dinner, Huxley wasn’t feeling his bath he’s been a little cranky lately teething and all. So far, he’s still been an amazing sleeper through teething, so I’ll take the crankiness during the day! Hadley all curled up on the couch watching tv with me until it was time for bed.

Happy Tuesday everyone, have a great week!

Friday Favorites – Bad Guys the movie, baking mats, soap, baby food, and a book.

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Here are my favorites this week.

This movie came out earlier this month on Netflix, and Hadley has been watching it on repeat. I’ve seen parts of it here and there when she’s watching it, it’s pretty cute and seems to be really popular. The movie is rated #2 on Netflix right now! The movie can be found here.

I have these baking mats in my Amazon cart! I have a really old one from the Martha Stewart line that I still use to this day and thought about getting a few more. They are really useful when baking cookies and can use them for lots of other things to cook. Baking mats can be found here.

I think I saw this soap on one of those Facebook ads and thought, I wonder what these smell like? Haha! Funny little soap to try for the holidays. Soaps can be found here.

I’ve been getting the Happy Baby brand of baby food for Huxley lately, and he just loves them! I don’t normally buy organic, but this one just happens to be organic and he’s a fan. Pouches can be found here.

Another item I have in my Amazon cart is this Thanksgiving book for Hadley. It’s a little under her reading level, but it’s a cute festive book for the holiday. We love Amelia Bedelia books! Book can be found here.

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend! And thanks for reading!

Movie Night – Coco

Last week’s movie night was Coco! At first, I wasn’t into this one at all but after Hadley watched it a second time the next night it was super cute! Here’s how it went with all the snacks!

I printed off a few fun signs and taped them to the cabinets in the kitchen.

The snacks were super low key, there wasn’t many snacks that related to this movie that Hadley would like. The only thing semi-related would be the queso cheese and chips! Everything else I just tossed on the tray from our pantry. Doritos, Pokémon fruit snacks, and rice krispies treats.

The drink was one of Hadleys favorites, raspberry lemonade.

We’ve started to love Friday night movie nights! Hadley always comes home from school super excited to find out what movie it is! I love creating these memories with her. I hope she looks back on her childhood and just smiles when she thinks of all the movie nights we had!

*Spoiler alert – I really hope the afterlife is one big party like this movie! It’s soo cute!

And if you missed any of my previous movie nights, you can find them below:
The Sandlot
Minions – The Rise of Gru
Hocus Pocus 2
We Bought a Zoo